December 26, 2016

210 words 1 min read

Let's Encrypt

Let’s encrypt is a free, automated, and open Certification Authority.

That’s what’s said on the main page of their website. I’ve been looking into this thing for so long, but just now that I have learned that they provide a way to manually generate certificates for shared web hosting with no root shell access like the one I use. However, upon further investigation, and as I try to generate that certificate myself, I found that their documentation is lacking in terms of clarity, especially for my specific use case. In case you didn’t notice, I have successfuly generated the certificate, but not without any hurdles. That’s what I’m going to share here.

The steps are as follows (assuming you use Ubuntu or any equivalent distributions):

  1. Download certbot by using the command: wget
  2. Mark it as executable: chmod a+x ./certbot-auto
  3. Begin to obtain certificate:./certbot-auto certonly --manual -d -d
  4. You will be asked to create some files with certain content in your public_html. Do each of that, and then you will get your certificate.
  5. Your certificate will be located at /etc/letsencrypt/live/,
  6. and your private-key will be located at /etc/letsencrypt/live/
  7. Copy them to your web hosting, install them, and you’re good to go.

That’s all. I hope this helps. Cheers.
