Captcha: Are You Talking To A Human?

I’ve just got my first spam comment. That’s not a big problem for me, since I disabled HTML tags in my comment system, so they can’t post any real link in this post, nor a malicious javascript....

March 15, 2011 · 1 min · 136 words

What Is A Blog? - Help Me To Redefine the Act of Blogging!

Lately, I’m preparing some great features to be released in the alpha2 version of this blog. However, I’ve been thinking lately, what a blog is really? Is it another kind of website which has a bunch of great features with no purpose whatsoever?...

March 14, 2011 · 2 min · 344 words

The Web Magic Called SEO

If you are a web developer, you wont need to read the rest of this page, as I’m still learning towards making a good SEO for my own blog. But if you’re still getting started to make your blog or website, this is some information that you might want to consider before posting a post in your blog....

March 12, 2011 · 2 min · 417 words

Disaster Strikes Japan

Today (2011/03/11), a disaster strikes Japan. A Tsunami wave rush into that nation by this afternoon at GMT+7, triggered by an 8.9 earthquake. The wave have brought many casualties and an explosion on one of their oil rig....

March 11, 2011 · 1 min · 88 words

Integrating Facebook And Twitter With Your RSS Feed

Several weeks ago, I have a very raw idea of feeding my twitter and facebook account with my blog posts automatically. That includes making a specific facebook and twitter app, which is a deal-breaker for me, because that will be a very hard thing to do....

March 9, 2011 · 1 min · 213 words

A [Ro]Bot In Your Web Browser

Today at work, I encounter a unique problem. I needed to update a database in a regular basis to make sure that certain condition is applied. That can be done by adding certain script in the page that users are frequently accessing....

March 8, 2011 · 2 min · 274 words

New Hosting Power Revealed

Finally, the moving process is done. Previously, I use a hosting plan that is both overpriced and underpowered. I’ve just realized that recently, when I compare my hosting plan to my friend’s....

March 4, 2011 · 1 min · 153 words

Facebook Shut Down Hoax

I’ve just recently heard the news that Facebook will be closed by 15 March 2011. I know it’s late, because I don’t really follow this kind of news. Once I know this (from my mom who claimed that she get the news from kompas....

February 27, 2011 · 1 min · 127 words

A Short HTML Page at Work

Sometimes, we have only small amount of content to fill our page, and that makes the footer rises up to the middle of the screen. Today, my senior coworker asked me to figure out how to make the footer placed on the bottom of the screen when we have a short amount of content....

February 21, 2011 · 2 min · 294 words

A Quick Update About Youtube Video Embedding

Youtube is a widely used video hosting service that serves great hosting quality and multiple embedding options. The commonly used embedding option is by using the flash player, as HTML5 is still not supported in some browsers....

February 20, 2011 · 1 min · 172 words